ANNETH ISAYA, 32, is a mother of two young children, Baraka,3, and Beatrice who is one year and eight months old. You cannot tell that Aneth is deaf until you talk to her. The social development officer, who is the project coordinator at the Ministry of Community Development, Gender and Children’s Development College was not born deaf. She lost her hearing when she was four years old. Being a Deaf, is a result, made her journey to where she is today, one full of challenges. But despite the hurdles she encountered during her education life, the bold woman never despaired but soldiered on. Otherwise, it would be a different story today.Aneth’s deafness was caused by an ear infection when she was four and given that her parents were poor, they never sought professional advice in time. When they finally consulted a doctor after Aneth’s hearing deteriorated, it was too late. “With nine children to take care of, my parents could not raise the money to take me to hospital t...